Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Old Testament Essays - Enma Eli, Mesopotamian Mythology, God
The Old Testament The Old Testament is a compilation, and like every compilation it has a wide variety of contributors who, in turn, have their individual influence upon the final work. It is no surprise, then, that there exist certain parallels between the Enuma Elish, the cosmogony of the Babylonians, and the Book of Genesis, the first part of the Pentateuch section of the Bible. In fact, arguments may be made that other Near Eastern texts, particularly Sumerian, have had their influences in Biblical texts. The extent of this 'borrowing', as it were, is not limited to the Bible; the Enuma Elish has its own roots in Sumerian mythology, predating the Enuma Elish by nearly a thousand years. A superficial examination of this evidence would erroneously lead one to believe that the Bible is somewhat a collection of older mythology re-written specifically for the Semites. In fact, what develops is that the writers have addressed each myth as a separate issue, and what the writers say is that their God surp asses every other. Each myth or text that has a counterpart in the Bible only serves to further an important idea among the Hebrews: there is but one God, and He is omnipotent, omniscient, and other-worldly; He is not of this world, but outside it, apart from it. The idea of a monotheistic religion is first evinced in recorded history with Judaism, and it is vital to see that instead of being an example of plagiarism, the Book of Genesis is a meticulously composed document that will set apart the Hebrew God from the others before, and after. To get a clear picture of the way the Book of Genesis may have been formed (because we can only guess with some degree of certainty), we must place in somewhere in time, and then define the cultures in that time. The influences, possible and probable, must be illustrated, and then we may draw our conclusions. If we trace back to the first appearance of the Bible in written form, in its earliest translation, we arrive at 444 B.C.. Two texts, co mponents of the Pentateuch referred to as 'J' and 'E' texts, can be traced to around 650 B.C. Note that 'J' refers to Yahweh (YHVH) texts, characterized by the use of the word 'Yahweh' or 'Lord' in accounts; 'E' refers to Elohist texts, which use, naturally, 'Elohim' in its references to God.1 But 650 B.C. isn't our oldest reference to the 'J' and 'E' texts; they can be traced, along with the other three strands of the Pentateuch, to at least 1000 B.C. Our first compilation of these strands existed in 650 B.C.. We must therefore begin our search further back in time. We can begin with the father of the Hebrew people, Abraham. We can deduce when he lived, and find that he lived around 1900 B.C. in ancient Mesopotamia2. If we examine his world and its culture, we may find the reasons behind certain references in Genesis, and the mythologies they resemble. The First Babylonian Dynasty had begun around 1950 B.C. and would last well into the late 16th century B.C.. The Babylonians had just conquered a land previously under the control of the Assyrians, and before that, the Summering. Abraham had lived during a time of great prosperity and a remarkably advanced culture. He was initially believed to have come from the city of Ur, as given in the Bible as "...the Ur of Chaldees". Earlier translations read, however, simply "...Land of the Chaldees"; later, it was deduced that Abraham had come from a city called Haran3. In any case, he lived in a thriving and prosperous world. Homes were comfortable, even luxurious. Copies of hymns were found next to mathematical tablets detailing formulae for extracting square and cube roots.4 The level of sophistication 4000 years ago is remarkable. We can also deduce that it was a relatively stable and peaceful society; its art is characterized by the absence of any warlike activity, paintings or sculptures.5 We also have evidence of an Israelite tribe, the Benjamites, in Babylonian texts. The Benjamites were nomads on the frontie r of its boundaries, and certainly came in contact with Babylonian ideas- culture, religion, ethics.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Tourism In Africa Tourism Essay Essays
Tourism In Africa Tourism Essay Essays Tourism In Africa Tourism Essay Essay Tourism In Africa Tourism Essay Essay Many people have different positions as to whether touristry has more benefits than defects specifically in the African continent. Tourism can be seen as a concern and like any concern states will endeavor to do the client happy. When thought of touristry activity many people tend to believe that the primary factor is the the tourer But when seeking to bring forth income through touristry activity states tend to bury that there are other factors involved that either terminal up being neglected or exploited such as natural resources and even local occupants. This study will briefly discuss touristry activity in Africa and argue whether the advantages of touristry outweigh the disadvantages. Tourism has become a lifting economic activity across the universe. It contributes to the economic system of many states and has countless advantages. Tourism has besides become an emerging activity in many parts of Africa and the continent is having international acknowledgment because of its many popular tourer finishs. Tourism has brought about great alteration in many African states that has resulted in economic growing. Although touristry has its defects, it can really hold a positive consequence on many peoples lives. Rogerson ( 2007, p.362 ) states that Tourism s potency for lending to economic and societal upliftment in Africa is highlighted by the New Partnership for Africa s Development ( NEPAD ) . The NEPAD Action Plan ( NEPAD, 2004:3 ) as cited by Rogerson ( 2007, p.362 ) states that Tourism is recognized as one of the sectors with the most possible to lend to the economic regeneration of the continent, peculiarly through the variegation of African economic systems, a nd coevals of foreign exchange net incomes Tourism growing in Africa is looking comfortable. Rogerson ( 2007 ) states that In 2005, international touristry reachings exceeded 800 million for the first clip, harmonizing to the United Nations World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO ) . The United Nations Environment Programme ( 2008 ) states that land-based touristry is a major economic activity in Africa as it draws 1000000s of visitants to different sites across the part every twelvemonth and bring forthing 1000000s of dollars in foreign exchange net incomes. African touristry as stated by Rogerson ( 2007, p.365 ) is dominated by the big four states which are Egypt, South Africa Tunisia and Morocco. The 2010 World Cup helped set South Africa on the map as a cardinal tourer finish and we saw many people utilizing their creativeness to get down new and alone concern ventures that helped make occupations and turn the economic system of the state. Tourism in the state grew to new highs and this has helped South Africa in a figure o f ways sing touristry activity. As touristry continues to turn this will shoot income into states, create occupations, lessening unemployment degrees and aid to develop 3rd universe states. Rogerson ( 2007, p.361 ) states that touristry activity in states such as Egypt is being compared to those of affluent states such as Europe and America. Tourism gives people who were antecedently unemployed an chance to bring forth income through different types of touristry activity. Many little concern ventures can be started in local communities where tourers can buy autochthonal keepsakes. This can make occupations and aid to bring forth income for local occupants and diminish the poorness degrees of African states. The World Bank ( 2006a, 2 ) as cited by Rogerson ( 2007 ) states To accomplish the aims of shared growing through touristry, an of import undertaking is the publicity of little to medium sized touristry endeavors, which represent 90 per cent of all touristry endeavors in Africa . Government functionaries who are responsible for touristry activity in their several African states can concentrate on guaranting that local concerns that have a sense of African genius are promoted in booklets that tourers get when looking for topographic points to see. Besides making positive chances and advancing growing in the African continent, touristry besides benefits the visitants. Visitors from abroad can larn the imposts and traditions of different African civilizations and can look up to the great diverseness of our land. Strong relationships between different civilizations can be built. It is hence important for local authoritiess to guarantee that they pay great attending to encompassing their cultural background alternatively of seeking to modernize it. As touristry activity in Africa continues to turn, international visitants can hold a more pleasant experience and this will give them all the ground to desire to come back. Although touristry has legion benefits it besides has its defects. Tourism can work natural resources and occupy the privateness of local occupants. While seeking to increase the figure of international tourers, local communities may abandon their imposts and traditions in order to aline their background with the outlooks of tourers. This will take to states losing their genuineness and will trail tourers off. The United Nations Environment Programme ( 2008 ) states that touristry s consequence on autochthonal peoples in Africa has been profound: with the eviction of communities from their lands, economic disruption, dislocation of traditional values, and environmental debasement. Ecotourism Parker and Khare ( 2005 ) province that Ecotourism promotes a sustainable method to gain gross through preservation and protection of resources by the communities that own them Through the preservation of natural resources communities can guarantee that they do non harm their environment and can besides pull tourers through this enterprise. Although ecotourism can be seen as a manner to advance touristry in a sustainable mode there are still a batch of conflicting thoughts sing this solution. Parker and Khare ( 2005 ) in their work province that Ecotourism is non a silver slug to relieve community adversities, and making a balanced endeavor that addresses widely changing stakeholder demands is non for the swoon hearted. Local populations environing a proposed site, community leaders, nearby small towns, politicians at the local, regional and even national degree are combined with ecotourists and investors, and all can hold viing thoughts of what the undertaking should accomplish . Ecotourism should non be implemented in states with merely the thought of seeking to increase tourer reachings as this could do great danger to the environment. Policies refering ecotourism should be created before it is implanted in any state. Tourism besides faces many challenges in Africa as many states are still far behind when it comes to tourism growing. Andebrhan ( 2009 ) states that the major challenges in touristry development in Africa are specifying the comparative functions of the private, local and foreign touristry spouses in development determinations on the continent, developing human resources and covering with jobs confronting local touristry industries in Africa that are characterized by a big figure of little and moderate-sized touristry endeavors. These jobs can be overcome if the community were to pass on with local authoritiess sing touristry in their land. Governments should negociate with the community members to guarantee that everyone benefits from this activity. Alternatively of concentrating on seeking to better the land by adding new substructure that will increase costs, the local authorities has to concentrate on heightening the autochthonal edifices that they already get. They should besides concentrate on local attractive forces as this is what tourists want to see. In footings of wars and political issues other states should acquire involved and negotiate with the conflicting states to come to a solution. When looking at all the information sing touristry one can clearly see how it has continued to turn in the African continent and how it has helped the economic system to spread out. Tourism is no longer regarded as merely a leisure activity but has become a major subscriber to economic growing. Furthermore it encourages local occupants to take pride in their traditions and physiques strong relationships between the locals and international visitants. Although there are a few downsides to tourism as like any economic activity, these deficits can be reduced through the creative activity of effectual policies and Torahs. If local authoritiess were to work together to make sustainable policies sing touristry growing and how to increase it so this activity would decidedly boom in old ages to come. In reasoning it can be said that in the African continent the advantages of touristry outweigh the negatives but more work has to set into touristry activity to guarantee that it remains so.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The general characteristics of Temple Architecture Essay
The general characteristics of Temple Architecture - Essay Example One of the key characteristics of ancient temple architecture was their dedication to a deity. Most of the ancient temples were built as a dedication to the gods that were worshipped in those times. The Roman temple of Fortuna Virilis is also referred to as the temple of Portumnus because it was in dedication to the Roman god Portumnus, the god protector of the harbors and trade at sea (history of roman). The Greek temple of Poseidon in Paestum, Italy was also a dedication to the Greek sea god, Poseidon and even had a massive statue of him in its main hall (Cape Sounion,2008). While the temple of Amenhotep was largely a dedication to his father amen, the northern part of it was dedicated to the Egyptian god Osiris (Andrews, 2005). The Mesopotamian white temple was built at a very high place, on the ziggurat platform, because the people of Mesopotamia believed that it was in high places that their god would visit the earth (Sumerian Art). Thus as part of their architecture, most of th ese temples had statues that represented the deities to which they had been dedicated All temple architecture was inspired by religious beliefs but perhaps none portrays this so much as the Egyptian Temple designed by Amenhotep the third during his reign. This is the largest temple to ever be built in Egypt. It boasted 385,000 square meters coverage and was built in such a manner that it could flood when the waters of the Nile rose, leaving only the inner part dry. This was based on the religious belief that when the water level went down, the re-emergence of the temple would signify a sort of rebirth of the world, like in the time of creation (Andrews, 2005). The Greek Poseidon temple was also based on the religious belief that since Poseidon was the sea god and the temple was located near waters then it would only be fitting to dedicate it to the sea god in order to win his favor (Cape
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Pledge to Action against Cyber-bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pledge to Action against Cyber-bullying - Essay Example Internet has truly made our school life easier. Aside from this, the Internet also keeps us close with our peers, including the long-lost ones. Through instant messaging and social media, conversations are truly easy with just a click of a mouse. It, thus, draws us closer to our loved ones, and connects us to those whom we share our interests with. Along with the good sides of the Internet are its downsides as well. With the increasing popularity of Facebook and Youtube, people sometimes make use of the strong reach of such websites to spread bad rumors about other people. This, we all know, is cyber-bullying. As pointed out by Erick Fisher in his article entitled Blah Blah Blah Blog, cyber-bullying is a phenomenon that children and adolescents seem to be increasingly using to harm others. In addition to this, Childnet International claimed in its article entitled Safe to Learn: Embedding Anti-bullying Work in School that cyber-bullying is a common feature in the lives of many young people. This is also reinforced in the online research of Robert Bamford on Cyber-bullying which stated that the significant and substantial changes in youth society are a result of new information and communication technologies. Therefore, the ease of creating and communicating in cyber space has led to changing patterns of participation. In this light, we have become active shapers of the nature of cyber world due to our capacity to develop and refine cyber communication devices. Unfortunately, it has turned out to be a bad thing. As teens, we surely want to protect our identity, be it in the real or in the cyber world. Thus, there is a need for us to come together and put an end to cyber-bullying, or at least lessen the incidences related to this negative online phenomenon. While the oldies may point at promiscuity and decadent morals of teens as the primary culprits behind cyber-bullying, we can surely prove to them that we can make an act against cyber-bullying, an act that is not only substantial, but also cool. Appeal to the Youth: Act against Cyber-bullying We believe that we are shapers the shapers of tomorrow. The future lies in our hands. With the immensity of the opportunities that lie ahead of us, it is crucial for us to ensure that we always uphold human values which will protect the dignity of human person. We always need to side with the good. Therefore, as we recognize the convergence of the mediaâ€â€which creates a more convenient venue for inter-personal communication, we need to remain stable in our values. Although we believe that the ultimate key to solving cyber-bullying is through the education of our will to always respect other people, we think that we can further concretize our actions by drafting specific measures that are relevant to us youth today. With this, let us all join hands in tightening our campaign against cyber-bullying. Let us act now! Project PTAC: Pledge to Action against Cyber-bullying According to two great adve rtising gurus David Ogilvy and Leo Burnett, a great idea is useless unless there is solid execution. Thus, to ensure that our vision is turned into a reality, we would need to get the help of each one. Execution I: PTAC Website As what most people say, ‘keep your friends close, and your enemies closer’. Obviously, if we want to help lessen cases of cyber-bullying, we have to attack it not only in the right manner, but more importantly in the right venue. Thus, the first step is
Monday, November 18, 2019
Accounting fraud Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Accounting fraud - Research Paper Example This paper identifies research problem and purpose in a research paper, aligns the problem and purpose to identify strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research methods and case study design, and justifies selection of qualitative methods and the case study design over other research methods and designs. Overview of the research problem and purpose Fraud, a deception or misrepresentation that aims at deriving unauthorized gain, is a common phenomenon in organizations and has extensive effects on different stakeholders. Examples of fraud include employee embezzlement, vendor fraud, customer fraud, and management fraud including financial statement fraud (Albrecht et al, 2012). Prevention is the most economical approach to managing fraud but limited research has been conducted on the best technique for preventing fraud besides rule-based-strategies. Sufficient research has however been done on other control measures such as auditing. Lack of empirical findings on fraud prevention st rategies is therefore the research problem with focus on in-house data forensic and developing an understanding on the factors affecting in house data forensic is the research’s purpose. Alignment of the research problem, purpose The research problem and purpose can be explored through qualitative research methods and case study design. ... One of the characteristics of qualitative research is its flexibility that allows for adequate alternatives to exploration. Its methodology allows for development of designs, procedures, and data collection strategies within research processes, a property that maximizes data utility because suitable and adequate data is collected for research. The research method also focuses data interpretation and therefore relies on few variables for specific purpose. It is therefore able to overcome limitation of data on variables and develop meaning on a problem. Another feature of the qualitative approach, based on Academic Conferences, is its objective of a comprehensive and informed description of a subject. The aim of the study, being an understanding of in-house data forensic therefore identify this property’s significance because a complete definition of the forensic approach and description of its features and factors around it will inform of its potential challenges and optimal ap plication in fraud prevention. A qualitative researcher do not need much information prior to research and this not only identify ease of implementation but establishes a strength in research fields that have not been explored and therefore lack sufficient background information. The researcher is also able to approach the study from a neutral perspective because of lack of pre-emption (Academic Conferences, 2010). Flexibility is also strength of the method, also though it is also a characteristic feature. Selected research design can be reviewed at any stage of the research process to facilitate the objectives. Flexibility also allows the method to adjust to challenges that may emerge during a research process or dynamism
Friday, November 15, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ethanol And Biodiesel Environmental Sciences Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ethanol And Biodiesel Environmental Sciences Essay The worlds energy consumption has been increasing progressively since the industrial revolution 1. Global population is continuing to dramatically rise and the increase in economic development, particularly in China and India, over recent decades has contributed to increases in energy consumption 2. Currently, nearly 45 percent of Australias total energy consumption is accounted for by coal, with oil providing approximately 35 percent, natural gas supplying around 15 percent and green power providing just over 5 percent 2. Alternative fuels are stated to be a potentially viable alternative to the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels contribute to almost eighty percent of the total energy used in the world 3, 4. Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources that are limited in their supply and the burning of fossil fuels on a global scale can produce air pollution, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), release significant amounts of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), and contribute to g lobal warming 1, 3, 5, 6. Alternative fuels are considered to have a less adverse effect on the environment, and are stated to be a solution to the problems created by fossil fuels 1. The main difference between fossil derived fuels and alternative fuels is the oxygen content, with alternative fuels having 10-45 wt% oxygen compared to fossil fuels which contain almost none 7. In Australia, the alternative fuels industry is relatively small, but is gradually expanding particularly in regard to ethanol or biodiesel production8. Alternative fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel may prospectively provide an alternative for global fuel requirements. There are however, a number of drawbacks related to alternative fuels which may inhibit them from completely replacing fossil fuels without technological or genetic advancements 9. Outline This paper aims to examine the advantages and disadvantages of alternative fuels. The discussion will commence by defining alternative fuels and a number of relevant terms. The analysis will then consider ethanol as an alternative fuel and an overview of ethanol production. Subsequently, biodiesels and an overview of biodiesel production will be examined. Following this, the advantages and disadvantages of alternative fuels will be considered. Lastly, the main arguments of this account will be summarised. Definitions Alternative fuels are a sustainable form of energy, are fuels that have not derived from petroleum and can include alcohols, biofuels, hydrogen, natural gas and propane 1. They are commonly solid, liquid or gas biofuels acquired from biomass, vegetable oil, or generated from agricultural food crops 6, 10. A viable alternative fuel must be economical, supply a net energy gain, be beneficial to the environment, and be able to be produced in considerable volumes with limited detrimental impacts6. The alternative fuels that are currently prevalent throughout the world are ethanol and biodiesel 7, 11, 12. Ethanol also referred to as ethyl alcohol, is a colourless liquid alcohol, less dense than water, with the chemical formula C2H5OH 13. Biodiesel is a carbon-neutral fuel that is a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters 13, 14. Alcohols: Ethanol Ethanol is one of the most widely utilized liquid biofuels that can be combined with gasoline to create an ethanol blend fuel, or it can be used in pure form 7, 13. It may be derived by fermenting carbohydrates obtained from natural sugars, starches or cellulosic biomass in plants including sugar cane, corn or straw 7, 15. Generally, this process involves the yeast driven fermentation of glucose in which the energy from the glucose is concentrated in the ethanol and CO2 is released as seen in equation 1 13. 13 The USA and Brazil are presently the two major producers of bioethanol with corn and sugar cane the primary base plants for the US and Brazil, respectively 16, 17. Current fuel yield for corn ethanol has been demonstrated at 1135 1900 L/hectare; to achieve 50 percent of American transport fuel demands, more than 157 percent of USA cropland would need to be utilized 17. In 2005/2006, Australia produced and consumed 41 million litres of ethanol fuel 8. Use and production of ethanol, however has been demonstrated to be increasing 8. In Australia, since 2003, the maximum allowed limit of ethanol in ethanol-petrol blends has been 10 percent 8. In 2007, there were three ethanol production facilities operating in Australia that generated ethanol from grains, such as sorghum and wheat, and from sugar cane, with production capacities of over 150 million litres annually 8. Biodiesels Biodiesel generation emerged in the late 1990s and has continued to rapidly increase 13. Biodiesels are produced from a variety of seed plant oils, such as soybean, palm or rapeseed oil, or from animal fats 10, 15, 18. They are mostly manufactured through the process of transesterification 18. Transesterification involves the mixing and of an oil with alcohol in the presence of a catalyst, such as sodium hydroxide, which reacts to create biodiesel and glycerine 18. The triglyceridies in the oil or fat are converted into a glycerine molecule and three methyl esters of long chain fatty acid molecules (Figure 1)13.The glycerin by-product is not in market demand due to the excess produced from biodiesel generation and recently been discovered to convert into propylene glycol, which has a large market, and acetol 13. Biodiesel manufactured from soybean produces more than 90 percent more energy than is needed to generate it 13. Figure : Transesterification of a triglyceride 18. Biodiesel is manufactured globally, with the USA and Germany dominating the market 20. Around the world, over 1.5 million tonnes of biodiesel is generated annually 15. In 2005/2006 Australia produced and consumed 16 million litres of biodiesel fuel 8. Use and production of biodiesels has increased since8. In Australia biodiesel can be utilized as a replacement for diesel or in a biodiesel-diesel blend of between 5 and 20 percent biodiesel 8. Investigations into utilizing canola or mustard for biodiesel production are occurring in southern Australia while currently, a range of fats and oils are used, such as tallow 8. In Australia, biodiesel production capacity is greater than ethanol production capacity 8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Alternative Fuels Alternative fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel have numerous advantages and disadvantages regarding environmental and societal impacts. The replacement of fossil fuels with alternative fuels could result in a decrease of CO2 emissions, a decrease in air pollution, reduce acid rain and decrease global warming3. Additional benefits include sustainability, fuel security, regional development and a decrease in rural poverty 7, 21. The land area required to generate sufficient alternative fuel to meet demands however, may compete directly with agriculture requirements, water use, may cause pollution from the use of herbicides and pesticides, and could result in the destruction of natural habitats and a decrease in biodiversity 3, 21, 22. In developing countries, the expansion of the alternative fuel industry could increase deforestation, decreasing the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis 12. The prices obtained for the sale of, for example, Australian produced alter native fuels is variable and depends on domestic prices for petrol and diesel, the world prices of oil and the Australian exchange rate 8. Ethanol Advantages There are several advantages concerning the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is removed by the crop used for ethanol generation, resulting in the process being carbon neutral 15. Using ethanol over fossil derived fuels can result in a reduction of CO2 up to 75 percent 24. Higher densities of ethanol fuel and air can be combusted in an engine compared to petroleum due to ethanols constricted boiling point range and higher latent heat of vaporization (Table 1) 10, 16. Additionally, higher energy density can be achieved in the engine due to a lower stoichiometric air to fuel ratio 10, 16.This may produce enhanced engine efficiency and elevated power outputs in ethanol fuelled vehicles when contrasted to petroleum fuelled vehicles. The use of ethanol as an alternative fuel can result in lower pollution emissions compared to fossil fuels, particularly regarding particulates, alkenes, aromatics and carbon monoxide 13. Disadvantages There are disadvantages associated with the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel. At present, ethanol is not economically competitive 15, 24. Expensive production costs associated with ethanol can be generated due to the use of water for irrigation, herbicides and pesticides, fertilisers, and machinery maintenance 11. Other expenses may be accrued from wages, insurance, land charges, and depreciation of farm assets 11. Ethanol has a lower amount of energy generated per litre combusted, is more corrosive than gasoline and is toxic to ecosystems 13, 20. The use of pure ethanol is limited in colder climates by their low vapour pressures 13. Ethanol production from crops is stated to cause environmental degradation such as dust and exhaust emissions, displacement of alternative land uses, pollution of surface and ground water systems, increased turbidity in surface waters, salinity and bioaccumulation of some pesticides 9, 11. There are a number of environmental problems related to corn generated ethanol such as denitrification, erosion, and nitrogen leaching 9, 11. Ethanol crops are generally inefficient and the yields vary dramatically between various crops 15, 17. The disadvantages noted above indicate that currently, ethanol is not a viable alternative fuel. Biodiesel Advantages A number of advantages are linked with the use of biodiesel fuel over fossil derived diesel fuel. Biodiesel production is stated to be sustainable, environmentally friendly, nontoxic, and biodegradable 1, 5, 10. Biodiesels properties are alike the properties of fossil derived diesel, Table 1, suggesting it can be used unmodified in indirect injection diesel engines 5, 16. Table 1 demonstrates that biodiesel has a higher flash point than petroleum-based diesel making it is safer to store and transport 10, 16. Biodiesel burns cleanly, and the emissions produced have fewer pollutants including less carbon monoxide, sulphates and sulphur oxides, hydrocarbons, nitrogen and particulates 1, 5. It also has a small increase in fuel economy and superior lubricity compared to fossil derived diesel, which can reduce engine wear 7; 14. Disadvantages There are many disadvantages regarding the use of biodiesel as an alternative fuel. Biodiesel production from crops competes with food supply, can detrimentally impact the environmental through nitrogen and phosphorus leaching, and loss of biodiversity 6, 7. Biodiesel generally generates lower power and torque than petroleum-based diesel and can have a higher fuel consumption 10. Biodiesels are also not currently economically competitive 6. They are stated to have higher emissions of nitrous oxides and cold start problems 7. The biodegradability of biodiesel can create problems regarding fuel stability and long-term storage 14. Methyl ester fatty acids deteriorate in conditions with high temperatures, sunlight, oxygen or non-ferrous metals 14. The disadvantages noted above indicate that currently, biodiesel may not be a viable alternative fuel. Conclusion Alternative fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel have both advantages and disadvantages regarding impacts on the environment. Ethanol is usually produced through the fermentation of carbohydrates while biodiesel is generally produced by transesterification. Within Australia, the industry of alternative fuels is steadily expanding. Advantages of alternative fuels may include decreased emissions and air pollution, reduced impact on global warming, sustainability, fuel security, regional development and a decrease in rural poverty. Disadvantages of alternative fuels may include land use competition, water use competition, pollution from the use of herbicides and pesticides, deforestation, the destruction of natural habitats, and a decrease in biodiversity. Currently, the production and use of the alternative fuels ethanol and biodiesel do not appear to be viable.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Controversy of Abortion Essay example -- Abortion Pregnancy Medica
The Controversy of Abortion In three weeks, Jennifer will leave for college. She broke up with her boyfriend two weeks ago, and today she found out she was pregnant. Should Jennifer have an abortion, or stop all her plans and have a baby at eighteen? Either way the decision is hers to make. On January 22, 1973 the landmark decision of Roe vs. Wade occurring in the Supreme Court made abortion a "constitutional liberty" (Francome 20). Legally, Jennifer can receive an abortion. Socially, however, she will endure many more obstacles. Fighting for society's acceptance In today's American society, viewpoints on certain topics often conflict with what individuals believe is right. This is very evident in the argument for acceptance of abortions among college students. However, with the rise of the anti-abortion movement this procedure has become less accepted and harder to obtain. Should abortions among college students be more widely accepted in society? According to a Planned Parenthood study done in 1997, forty percent of seventeen year olds will become pregnant before their twenty-fifth birthday. This statistic is directly targeted at college age females. The answer is far from being strictly a black and white issue, but my own viewpoint is "yes" abortions should be accepted among society for many reasons. The controversial issue of abortion has many intertwining, surrounding complications. Such an issue is never concrete, "in America, about 20% of Americans thoroughly oppose abortions, 20% thoroughly favor abortions, while a vast majority are 'muddled in the middle'" (Pojman and Beckwith 59). As with any pregnancy there are impending risks involved and many extenuating circumstances that justify an abortion. In a perfect world, abortions are not the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies, but there are many "bumps in the road," keeping the United States from being perfect. Defining Life? The main question facing society is the definition of a fetus' point of living. Pro-Lifers believe that, "a fertilized embryo is the foundation for a living human being" (National College Students for Life). In contrast, pro-choicers argue that a human being is something more concrete with it's own thought processes and consciousness. Petchesky argues, "the fetus is only a potential human being, and we confuse actual with potent... ...roblem with accepting abortion is the lack of facilities that perform abortions. Only thirteen percent of abortions are performed within hospitals (Landes 64). The rest are performed outside of hospitals in clinics. The Alan Guttmacher Institute surveyed and found only 2,680 abortion clinics in the United States. Eighty-eight percent of the clinics are only in metropolitan areas where ninety-eight percent of abortions are performed (Landes 64). Rural counties that contain colleges or universities do not have such accessibility to facilities that perform abortions. The AGI discovered that eighty-three percent of rural counties did not have clinics. Limited facilities that perform clinics poses a dilemma for college students that may not have transportation or time, to travel to metropolitan areas. However, if colleges installed on-campus abortion clinics with certified doctors and psychologists, for counseling purposes, this problem could be corrected. With on-campus abortion clinics, it would show the university to be more accepting and understanding of college students need for such medical facilities, and therefore, society as a whole may be more accepting.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
First Internet Reliable Bank Discussion Questions Essay
1. Even though the complete survey is not included in the case, summarize how the closed-ended and open-ended questions provided valuable customer insight for FIR. The valuable customer insight for FIR is – Convenience: Online banking is very convenient since it is web based, customers can access it anytime. Based on the surveys the respondents FIR is simple and easy to when viewing and paying bills. – Inconvenience: There is also downsides to FIR. One of them being mail deposits, another is no access to a local ATM. The big concern is the lack of security with the customers receiving phishing-type emails from hackers which can lead to identity theft. This is also a concern to small businesses who do not have a big enough protection policy when it comes to identity theft/hackers. 2. What customer segments are targeted by FIR? On what issues should FIR focus in order to build relationships with its varied customer segments? The customer segments that are targeted by FIR are Customers who are innovation-minded, busy and technologically advanced After 9/11, some key characteristics of online bank customers were the experience of using the internet, the rise of GenX, gender and socioeconomic status. The issues FIR should focus on to build relation ships with customer segments are – Security – Customer Service: One of the respondents loved how FIR’s CSR solved the customer’s problem in a short time. Which of course leads to customer satisfaction. – Customer Loyalty: The more customers use online banking, the more they will rely on it. (i.e. I have a specific Credit Union account thats based in Sacramento due to my parents setting me up an account, I live in SD so there aren’t many branches where I can deposit a physical check. The closest one is Ontario which is a drive. Yeah I should look into signing up for another bank, but it’s not many times where I need to go to the bank. The convenience of online banking for me is that I can make instant transfer payments from my savings to checking if i need an emergency with my funds especially with my dreaded car payments.) 3. Can you recommend specific activities and practices that they might engage in order to improve customers such as Respondents 3 and 137? Similar to all your answers, FIR should invest money on engineers who can help with encrypting their website. With some credit card companies you would need a login ID and password, then to select an image at the time of your registration, then they would ask the pin number or a question you answered (color of car, favorite animal, fav team etc). In a nutshell its like a combination lock. FIR should also contact all major email providers (gmail, yahoo, aol, hotmail etc) to collaborate developing phishing filters. Another activity FIR should focus on is customer feedback. FIR could contact their customers by phone or have directly contact with them.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Pryamids essays
The Pryamids essays The Great Pyramids of Ancient Egypt are the most magnificent and amazing man-made structures to have ever been erected. They are the only ones still in existence from the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The pyramids were created some 4000 years ago, and to this day many still exist. These monuments are a remarkable reminder to us of how far advanced the Egyptians were in their technology, engineering and architecture. The pyramids were built to last through time and are a legacy to which no other civilization has anything to compare. They have survived Mother Nature as well as human's destructive nature and are still standing. The Egyptians spent a lot of time and energy creating the pyramids. Why did the Egyptian feel so compelled to create the pyramids? And how were they created? The pyramids of the Old Kingdom are an extraordinary accomplishment, which command the wonder and admiration of the world. Considering that the Egyptians had very few tools at their disposal and with absolutely no sophisticated equipment with which to make the stones, leaves one with the belief that this civilization was far more advanced than we may believe. The fact that the pyramids were created to near perfection, an accomplishment our society would still find hard to create even with our advanced technology, leave's one in total amazement. To date there has never been a building or monument, made by man without the help of advance machinery, ever erected that can even come close to resembling the sheer genius and brilliant engineering and construction that had been put into the pyramids. There had been an exceptional amount of resources and labor put into the construction of the pyramids. They are virtually indestructible and have survived, so far anyway, the test of time. There was a time when, in a small strip of the worlds land surface, man achieved an almost total equilibrium with his environment and created a society as near per...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Dynamo Sportswear Case Essays
Dynamo Sportswear Case Essays Dynamo Sportswear Case Essay Dynamo Sportswear Case Essay Dynamo Sportswear Inc (Product Management) l. Time context Mr. Gerard Cruz, the owner and manager or Dynamo Sports Inc. Talked with his brand manager Joe Santos In getting a new product line Incorporated In their sportswear business. As for the present, all of their product line has been successful though they cater more in the mens division. The owner had the idea of adding a womens section and is willing to invest millions in the span of three years that he is projecting it but would want to be successful. The brand manager is given six months on planning this project. II. Problem Statement Becoming Success In Introducing a New Product Line The owner and general manager of Dynamo Sports Inc. , Mr. Gerard Cruz Is planning to add a new product In the company which Is the new female line. He Is not sure whether to alma at the upper bracket to downward or do It In reverse. What the Mr.. Cruz wants is to make sure they succeed and become dominant in this new market. The company does not have any difficulty and have nothing to worry with the seasonality of their new product since their manufacturing facilities could produce year round. They are also financially stable. Mr. Cruz gave Mr.. Santos six months to plan it and have it launch. Ill. Statement of the Objective Have the new product line launched In the time frame given, which Is six months. And make sure that It became successful. IV. Areas of Consideration 1. Make a plan of the project within the given time frame. 2. Look at key factors in the market that will help in making the new product line successful 3. Understand and know the perceptions of potential customers in the new product line that will be launch. V. And VI. Alternative Courses of Action (ACS) and Analysis of CA CA 1 . Mr.. Santos should know and test how the market Is, the pricing and telling of the launching of new female line. A. By having this new line, you will increase the market share. B. Developing to try a new market that presently does not exist. Disadvantages: a. Failure to understand the present market may end up in not having the line. B. New market may not become successful since people will not embrace it. CA 2. Understanding and knowing customers wants and attitudes. Advantages: a. Knowing what the new customers want in this new line. B. To determine and know the perception of customers. A. Failure to know what customers want. B. Was not able to determine the perception of customers and might not incorporate in plan VI. Conclusion: I conclude that using CA #2 can somehow help in making sure that the launching of the new product line will become successful. Since this involved the know of the market that the company will be entering and also taking in consideration what the customers wants. This means that the new product line will be able to meet up with the expectations of the customers it will cater with. VIII. Plan of Action. 1 . Make a reasonable and sound plan of action within time frame. 2. Have people work on knowing what the customers, in this case women, wants, their attitude towards female sportswear, what they needed and their perception on this products.
Monday, November 4, 2019
PLN revised Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PLN revised - Assignment Example t Coweta High School I made connection with my former colleague with whom we still share through twitter, emails and messages on career related issues and on the state of the school since I left. To boost my depth in my career and general knowledge I am also subscribed to journals which includes; American Education Research journal, Electronic journal of e-learning and The Journal which help me keep in touch with trending issues in the world of educational technology (Richardson & Mancabelli, 2011). As an upcoming education technologist, these platforms plays a very crucial role in sharpening ability of applying technology at my current place of work, Landmark Christian School. I also engage in social media for further information and through this platform follow authors like; Alan Januszeuski, Michael Molenda and Dr Darci Harland. To keep tabs with my peers I also involve myself in social media revelation through different media platforms, such as twitter, edmodo network, text messa ges, Diigo networking tools and emails. At Landmark Christian School I am taken in as trained professional education technologist and thus falling in the vast area of Education. The educational technology has been effective at building my career through sharing of experiences, knowledge and information from various social backgrounds. With such advances in technology, one is able to learn that education technology alters on the outcome of both teaching and learning, and altering on processes of teaching and learning (Januszewski & Molenda, 2007). Engaging in seminal arguments helps at underlying different experiences and after putting these experiences differently. Experiments with technology combined with different teaching and learning experiences are different from the traditional forms of learning and teaching (Siricharoen, 2013). The personal learning network (PLN) has been effective at necessitating on my studying experiences with the media and technology through understanding on
Friday, November 1, 2019
Infrastructure for Data Storage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Infrastructure for Data Storage - Essay Example In simple words, Direct Attached Storage (DAS) is a storage device directly attached to a host system, such as the internal hard drive of a server computer. In order to store data for the computer system, the DAS is the most well-known method. This is considered as the core element that is promoted by Oracle and several other startups. In 2004, the Sun’s Honeycomb filter box introduces Nutanix’s Compete Cluster and Oracle’s Exadata and Exalogic along with incorporated server or storage supplies. The DAS model is then reinvented by these modern developments and a kind of clustered DAS. There is a threat according to the dominant nature of SAN among the direct-attached storage and SAN preference. Moreover, SAN provides extraordinary and well-organized storage elements to many servers as compared to DAS. In a typical SAN display, the server-based applications obtain storage I/Os completed in a constantly short time and data is saved from missing. In addition, many servers share the infrastructure provided by SAN to access the application. However, SAN data can be accessed by any independent servers. The applications assume that they are using DAS while but in reality, they are accessing a SAN. In order to speed up the applications, the SUN Honeycomb is implicated by placing NAS disks into the similar inclusion while using multiple servers and advanced file systems. This proposal did not spread commonly but it worked for Sun. Moreover, once the Oracle is purchased by the Sun, the class was generated for super charged Exalogic and Exadata boxes. The typical SAN was produced and created earlier than utilization of VMware and server virtualization. If this is accomplished, the servers can get a larger number of cores and sockets. For instance, a physical servers including CPU in working condition along with Windows became a two socket, quad-core computer and contain eight cores.Â
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